Topics of general interest.

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Title Scripture Speaker Date
The Religion of Experience, Part 1 Job 4 2009-05-31
Christians in an Unjust Society Selected Scriptures 2009-05-31
Longing for Comfort Job 2:11-3:26 2009-05-24
Forgiveness, Part 1: God's Forgiving Us Selected Scriptures 2009-05-24
Righteousness Endures Job 2:1-10 2009-05-17
The Visionary Marriage Selected Scriptures 2009-05-10
The Nature of the Church 1 Corinthians 12:4-26 2009-05-10
A Righteous Response to Calamity Job 1:13-22 2009-05-03
Believer's Baptism, Part 2 Selected Scriptures 2009-05-03
Sovereign Purpose Job 1:1-12 2009-04-26
Believer's Baptism, Part 1 Selected Scriptures 2009-04-26
Proclaiming the Resurrection Acts 4:1-22 2009-04-19
Jesus' Power over Death John 20:1-18 2009-04-12
Spiritual Disciplines: Pursuing Silence and Solitude Selected Scriptures 2009-04-12
The Death of the Savior John 19:31-42 2009-04-05
Spiritual Disciplines: Silence and Solitude Selected Scriptures 2009-04-05
The Accomplishment of the Cross John 19:17-30 2009-03-29
Spiritual Disciplines: Developing a Disciplined Mind Selected Scriptures 2009-03-29
Inevitable Results John 19:1-16 2009-03-22
Spiritual Disciplines: The Disciplined Mind Selected Scriptures 2009-03-22